Hyperborea is a mystic and beautiful land, and it is up to each and every one of us Hyperboeans to ensure it stays that way.
We strive to be an effective Leave No Trace (LNT) event. There is no trash pickup at Hyperborea, so it is up to each of us to eliminate Matter Out of Place (MOOP). Whatever you bring in, you must bring out.
MOOP includes but is not limited to: bottles & cans, rope, debris, fruit peels, cigarette butts & ash (bring along a tin to ash and butt out), ash from fires, glitter, grey water, basically anything that wasn’t there before we arrived. Also don’t throw your MOOP in the portapotties!
Please bring heavy duty garbage bags (so they don’t rip in your car when packing them out). Carry a ziplock bag with you on your Hyperborea adventures so you can pick up trash you find along the way and dispose of it without having to detour to camp.
Last year one Hyperborean didn’t have a MOOP bag and had to carry a banana peel so long that it was given a name.
What are your best tips for dealing with MOOP?
~ The Hyperborean
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